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Gallardo--2015 LaoMei Training Camp Report(中英文对照)
1790 Km toShanghai Marathon
-Reflectionon LaoMei 2015 Shanghai Marathon Training Camp
Preface:After 6-month LaoMei Marathon training camp, we are "required" towrite a reflection assay, which seems a silly idea first. We are not school-age student anymore! On second thoughts, it is a brilliant idea:reflection of the past serves as a guide for the future.
In May 2015, LaoMei start a Marathontraining camp, specifically designed to train participants for the 20thShanghai Marathon on November 8th, 2015. The 6-month camp calls for 6 training daysper week: routine runs on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, speed training on Wednesday,tempo run on Friday, and LSD on Sunday. LaoMei methodically drew up a very thoughtful training plan withincremental increases in intensity and kilometers, which peaks by the end ofOctober with a cooling down period of one week before the November 8 race. Better yet, the training is totally free. Butthere are only 40 slots open. As Lao Meiis our undisputable leader with a kind heart and scientific approach oftraining, we all find our ways to secure a position in the camp. Yet, the criterion for the camp is quitestrict: every trainee must log his/her trainings and submit training records toLaoMei on weekly basis. Those students who log in less than 60% amount ofrequired weekly training would have to voluntarily withdraw from the camp or tobe kicked out of the camp! Initially, we all thought LaoMei was just bluffing.But, the truth is that by the end of the camp, only 28 out of 40 participantssurvived the camp!
Students in the camp came from allwalks of life. Almost all of us have joinedthe "YiqiPao" (Run together) Running Club for more than a year. But, we all have a common goal: aspire to bethe top! A common question from runners is "if today's running event iscanceled or not because of the foul weather". LaoMei's typical answer is"no running event is canceled no matter how bad the weather is, with onlyexception of thunderstorms"! Amazingly, majority of us learned to enjoy running in the rain by theend of the camp. Rain drops not onlycool us down, but more importantly awaken our childhood memory of playing inpools of water and mud without any worries, being free-spirited without anyhindrances or disciplinary actions of parents or authorities: a sense of freeat last although it may be only momentary.
Technically, I achieved a lot duringthe 6 month camp: 1) logged in 1790 km of running in total, with average of 298km per month; 2) covered 485 km in October alone; 3) achieved my PB in 5K, 10K,15K and half Marathon during the training. 4) retired 2 pairs of running shoes (if this can be counted asachievement). The final verdict: I finished the 2015 Shanghai Marathon in 3hours and 55 minutes. This is still far away from BQ (to be qualified toregister for Boston Marathon). Nevertheless, it is an improvement of 31 minutesfrom my 1st Marathon race barely a year ago. More significantly, this was achieved despite of the fact that I went on12 domestic and foreign trips, and completed 4 race events (two marathons andtwo 50 km trail runnings) during the 6 month training camp. As a matter of fact, I found it moreproductive when I got up early in the morning to do some runs before workinghouses during my trips. Thus, beingdisciplined and efficient could carry me much further than I could imagebefore.
To me, the most cherish-able part ofthe training camp is to unleash the "hidden magic" that everyone has!Having "matured enough", we all seems to have lost our inner touchand forgotten that we still have hidden powers, wills and potentials to accomplishthings that were considered impossible before, or to realize our dreams lingeringfrom our childhood. Hardships, fastpaces and pressures from our daily life seem to have worn us out and to have crushedour souls. We tend to forget thatsleeping on history or in the past glories is not only boring, but alsosuffocating. There is nothing to bragabout in being the first violinist in high school, top winner in graduateschool competitions, or having other career awards in the past. There is always another mountain to climb oranother journey to take. We just have tofind our passions and aspire to be the top, both in our careers and our dailylife. Our dreams can carry us far awayif we dare to challenge ourselves and work on our dreams!
Last but not the least, I am lucky tohave LaoMei and friends from YiQiPao at my side. They provide aspirations, encouragements andfriendships that are priceless. Theseare my main motivations and provide endless energies for me to be perseverantthrough the 6-month intensive training camp. It is almost like being surrounded by a big family who do not punish norjust do critiques. Instead, they teachby their experiences as well as by their own deeds. They are at various levels of their careersand of various ages. Some of them hold upper management positions, while othersare business owners,hard working IT boys/girls, simply stay-homemom, or lucky "financialindependent" persons. However,everyone is equal on the running tracks, shares his/her experience freely, andoffers supports to each other. It isonly at the starting line, we seem to go head-to-head in heatedcompetitions. At the end of the races,we all share meals, crack jokes and laugh at our own "stupid/rigid"views even if we disagree with each other. Only if this could be duplicated to other aspects of our careers orstressful situations....
A side-note: I was crowned with thetitle of "gold-medal photographer" of our training camp, probably dueto the fact that I am obsessed with photographing, even during races (whichunfortunately slows me down). The benefit is that I sometimes get good shots ofother runners and of memorable sceneries during running, noticeably duringtrail running. The fellow runners often friendly remind me to send themphotographs so that they could post these pictures on their WeChat! I wish I could claim myself as "the bestphotographer among runners, and the best runner among photographers"!
I have to admit that 1) my twinbrother taught me a few things about using proper framing and taking advantagesof lights for photography; 2) being born as a "libra" also helps! Tobe serious, my "eureka" moments for good pictures seem to strike moreoften after I start Marathon training. Iseem to be able to see more natural beauties, and focus on brighter sides of lifein general, rather than dwindling on the negatives. Thus, my theory is that running could awakenone's sleepy sensory organs, and makes one recognize and appreciate naturalbeauties more easily. This is whyrunning is so addictive, and may even have anti-depression effects beyondstaying fit! Hey, one of ourneuroscientists should go to lab and design some experiments to test this"original" idea. You neverknow, this may get you some top-notch publications, maybe even a shot at theNobel Price! By that time, I wouldcomplete my race in Boston Marathon for sure, and donate my Boston MarathonMedal to you and your project team!
今年五月,老梅开办了一个马拉松训练营,为11月的上海马拉松做准备。六个月的训练营要求每周训练六天:周二、周四、周六慢速跑,周三速度课,周五节奏跑, 周日长距离耐力训练。老梅很细心的设计了一个系统性的训练计划,训练的强度和跑量每周逐渐增加,在比赛前达到顶峰。每周学员们都要上传训练记录,跑量达不到计划的60%时“自觉“退团或被老梅“踢”出团。刚刚开始,我们都认为老梅只是开玩笑。实际上,在训练营结业时,开营时的40位学员只剩下了28位!
最终的大考结果:2015上海马拉松成绩3:55:47。这个成绩离波士顿马拉松报名的资格相差甚远,但比一年前的首马成绩已提高了31分钟,况且这个成绩是在百忙之中取得的。 六个月训练营期间, 在国内外出差12次, 比赛4次 (两次马拉松, 两次50公里越野)。 个人的体会是, 在出差时, 清晨一大早就去跑步, 工作的效率反而更高! 所以, 有目标就可以事半功倍, 有信心就能超越自我!
对我来说, 训练营最给力的就是它释放了每个人都有的”魔力”! 当我们长大后, 我们似乎已经失去了内心的初衷,忘记我们仍然拥有隐藏的能量、意志和潜力来实现之前认为不可能的事或小时候曾有的梦想。现代生活的快节奏、压力和困难让我们精疲力尽,压榨了我们的灵魂。我们往往忘记了一个简单的道理:沉醉于旧日的荣耀不仅会枯竭, 而且会令人窒息。不管是往日的第一小提琴手、研究生入学考试的状元, 还是过去职业生涯中获得的各种奖项,统统都是过往云烟!山外有山, 天外有天。在生活和事业上, 我们只要能发掘自己的激情所在, 寻求卓越,勇敢挑战自己,并为之努力,我们的梦想就能把我们带的更远。
最后,要强调的是,很幸运能认识老梅和“一起跑”的朋友们!他们给予了无以言表的激励和友谊,让我们仿佛置身于一个温馨的大家庭。他们用经验和个人体会来启发我们,而不是简单的惩罚或批评。 “一起跑”的朋友们有老有少,来自五湖四海各行各业:有公司高管,创业者,忙碌的IT青年,家庭主妇,和“财务自由”的幸运儿。 但是,所有人在跑道上都是平等的。大家毫无保留的分享心得,互相切磋,相互支持。只有在起跑线上,大家才进入了白热化的的竞争!当比赛结束后,大家一起聚餐,喝咖啡, 讲笑话, 即使有不同的看法, 也多用自嘲的方式化解,求同存异。如果在工作,特别是处理危机时大家都能这样和睦相处就好啦…….
附笔:“一起跑”的朋友们把我称为“金牌摄影师”,大概是因为我酷爱摄影,特别是在跑步的时候。这样就不可避免影响到跑步的配速,在跑上马时为了跑出好成绩,只好封存了手机。但好处是我有时会用相片捕捉到跑者的风彩和大自然的神奇,特别是越野时能拍到一些独特的风光。 “一起跑”的朋友们常常在跑步后提醒我尽快把照片发到群里共享,他们好用照片发微信。我当然乐意做一个”跑步者中最好的摄影师,摄影师中最好的跑步者”!
还有个小秘密:我的孪生兄弟学过画画,传授过一些摄影的构图和光线应用的基本常识。作为善于发现美的"天枰座” 也有好处。言归正传,跑马拉松及越野后发现,对美景的识别能力倍增!更能欣赏大自然的美,去聚焦于人生的精彩和炫丽,而不是沉迷于人间的阴暗面。。。我有个假设:跑步和越野能激活人的感觉神经,降低大脑对大自然的感知阈。这就是为什么跑步能激励跑者,令人兴奋,具有抗抑郁的效应!说真的,我们的神经科学家应该用实验去测试这个“原创”的假设。没准儿能发表几篇高质量的学术文章,甚至有获得诺奖的潜力!到那一天,我应该已经完成了我的波士顿马拉松之行!