<p><font face="Tahoma" size="5"> <font color="#ff3300">感受比赛,享受生活!</font><br/></font> 上海铁人三项运动俱乐部将在滴水湖举办第二届铁人两项赛。<br/> <br/> 九月的滴水湖,挥洒您的汗水,释放您的激情,留下您的回忆!<br/><br/><font face="Tahoma"><font size="5"> 竞赛规程</font><br/><br/><b>一、比赛时间和地点</b><br/></font> 2007年09月23日 上海市 临港新城 滴水湖<br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>二、主办团体</b><br/></font> 上海铁人三项运动俱乐部<br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>三、参赛对象</b><br/></font> 业余铁人三项运动协会、铁人三项俱乐部及业余爱好者<br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>四、竞赛距离及分组<br/></strong></font><font face="Arial"> 竞赛项目设置:铁人两项赛(标准距离组、快乐体验组)<br/> (一)、标准距离组 <br/> 1. 竞赛距离:<br/> 总距离 跑步 自行车 跑步<br/> 57.5公里 5 公里 42.5公里 10公里<br/> 2. 比赛组别:<br/> 1). 男子分龄组<br/> (男子18~29岁、30~39岁、40~50、50以上分龄组) - 共四个组别<br/> 2). 女子混合组<br/> (*女子组不再设置分龄组) - 仅一个组别<br/> (二)、快乐体验组<br/> 1. 竞赛距离:<br/> 总距离 跑步 自行车 跑步<br/> 11.5公里 1.5 公里 8.5公里 1.5公里<br/> 2. 比赛组别:<br/> 1). 男子混合组<br/> 2). 女子混合组<br/> 注:上述所有年龄以运动员参加比赛当年12月31日时的年龄为准。</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>五、参赛资格</b><br/></font> (一)此次比赛不接受专业运动员,各队报名人数不限。<br/> (二)参赛选手须持有为此次比赛办理的人身意外伤害保险。<br/> (保险的购买须由参赛选手在前来参赛之前自行购买,组委会不提供的联系或购买保险的事务)<br/> (三)如因伤病无法参赛,须有县级及以上医院证明,经批准后由本团队运动员替换。赛前三天不得换人。<br/> 注:专业运动员是指在中国铁人三项运动协会参加年度注册并持有有效注册证的各专业运动员<br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>六、竞赛办法<br/></strong></font><font face="Arial"> (一)竞赛规则<br/> 采用国际铁人三项联盟、亚洲铁人三项联合会和中国铁人三项运动协会竞赛规则。<br/> (二)器材及装备<br/> 1. 参赛运动员自备自行车、骑行服和头盔等器材和装备,并要符合竞赛规则的有关规定。<br/> 2. 参加分龄组比赛的运动员可以使用山地车或平把赛车,但必须通过组委会检查,确认自行车符合安全规定。<br/> (三)比赛关门时间<br/> 1. 铁人两项赛全程关门时间为4小时<br/> (不再区分分段关门时间)</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>七、技术官员(裁判员)</b><br/></font> 由主办团体选派。<br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>八、奖励办法<br/></strong></font><font face="Arial"> (一)、标准距离组奖项设置:<br/> 设置男子、女子总成绩前三名(获得奖杯、奖状、丰厚实物奖品、完成者纪念奖牌)<br/> 男子各个分龄组各自的前五名 (奖状、丰厚实物奖品、完成者纪念奖牌)<br/> 女子组前五名(奖状、丰厚实物奖品、完成者纪念奖牌)<br/> 注:获得总成绩前三名的获奖选手不再重复获得该分龄组里的前三名的奖项。<br/> (二)、快乐体验组奖项设置:<br/> 男子、女子组各取前五名 (奖状、实物奖品)<br/> (三)、铁人精神奖<br/> 设置一名(奖状、纪念品)<br/> 注:该奖项由组委会根据赛事当天现场情况攽发给最具铁人精神的一位两项赛选手<br/> (四)、铁人风貌奖<br/> 设置一名(奖状、纪念品)<br/>注:该奖项由组委会根据赛事当天现场情况攽发给最具铁人风貌奖的一位两项赛选手<br/> (五)、推广上海铁人三项运动特殊贡献单位<br/>颁发上海铁人三项运动俱乐部制作的锦旗一面<br/> 注:感谢对上海地区铁人三项运动的发展和推动做出贡献的单位<br/>(六)、其他<br/> 所有参赛选手可以获得纪念体恤衫一件;<br/> 对于参赛获奖选手可以获得成绩证书一份;(在比赛后填写发放,今年不再邮寄!)<br/> 在规定关门时间内完成标准距离组比赛的所有两项赛选手可获得完成者纪念奖牌一个;</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>九、报名和报到<br/></strong><font face="Arial"> (一)报名截止日期<br/> 报名截止日期:09月14日,确认报名以收到报名资料(以当地邮戳日期)、报名费(以报名费入帐日期)为准。<br/> 联系人:贺伟(13918121612) 张令(13761333811) 程凯 (13472851764) 马燕春 (13636630505) <br/> (二)报名材料<br/> 认真填写报名表(本贴附件下载),同时请提供个人有效证件(身份证或护照)复印件。<br/> (三)报名方式<br/> Email:</font><a href="mailto:webmaster@ironmanchina.net">webmaster@ironmanchina.net</a></font><font face="Arial"> (电子报名资料邮寄信箱) <br/> 传真: 021-50803308<br/> 邮寄地址:上海浦东新区张江路18号 MTD 马燕春 (201203)<br/> (四)报名费<br/>1). 标准距离组选手<br/> (大陆籍人士)两项赛选手 50RMB;<br/> (外籍人士含港、澳、台)两项赛选手 80RMB; <br/>2). 快乐体验组选手<br/>(不再分国籍/地区)统一为 30RMB <br/> 请于报名截止日期(9月14日)前汇至工行账号:6222 0210 0100 0482247(户主 马燕春)<br/> 注:报名费用不含食宿及任何交通费用。<br/> 09月16号以后退出比赛者恕不退还报名费;领队、教练等随队官员无需交纳报名费。<br/> (五)报到:<br/> 1. 报到时间和地点:<br/> 时间:09/22 8:30 ~ 19:30 (比赛当日自行到达赛场的朋友请提前通知)<br/> 地点:上海浦东新区广兰路、青桐路路口体育中心(龙东大道、广兰路交叉路口向南行第一十字路口左转即到)<br/> 2. 报到时请提供以下材料:<br/> (1)个人有效证件原件<br/> (2)体检表原件和复印件(一年以内有效)<br/> 身体检查的项目和结果必须要符合参赛运动员身体检查标准,否则不得参赛。组委会有权留存复印件。<br/> 3. 比赛当日所有运动员须签字认可参赛声明及免责书。(必须由本人亲自签名,不得由他人代签)</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>十、食宿交通:</b><br/></font> (一)如有需要,请提前通知组委会联系优惠食宿。 <br/> (二)比赛当天6:30~7:30组委会将在上海龙阳路地铁站设立接待站,请务必于9月9日前将到站人员及自行车数量告知组委会,以便及时安排相应的接站车辆。<br/> 联系人:艾强 (13818525601) <br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>十一、其它:</b><br/></font> (一)本规程未尽事宜以及比赛相关补充通知将会及时发布在本网站,详情请登陆<a href="http://www.ironmanchina.net/" target="_blank"><font face="Tahoma" color="#2f5fa1">www.IRONMANCHINA.NET</font></a>查询。<br/> (二)本规程解释权归上海铁人三项运动俱乐部所有。<br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>十二、注意事项 </b><br/></font> 下列人不适合本次赛事<br/> 1、未经系统训练者,不得参赛。<br/> 2、如果在做轻微活动时感到胸部中等程度疼痛和严重冠状动脉病(心绞痛)者。<br/> 3、近期内犯过心脏病的人。<br/> 4、患风湿性心脏病和先天性心脏病的人,特别是运动中脸色发白发青的人。<br/> 5、有高血压或其他心脏病、心肌炎的人。<br/> 6、严重心律不齐者。<br/> 7、糖尿病人。<br/> 8、过于肥胖者。<br/> 9、年龄过大以及其他身体不适者。<br/><br/><font face="Tahoma"><font size="4"><font color="#ff3300"><b>The 2nd Annual Shanghai Dishui Lake Duathlon Program</b></font></font><br/><br/></font> <font face="Tahoma"><font color="#6633cc"><font size="3">Feel The Race,Enjoy Your Life! 2007.09.23 </font></font><br/><br/></font> <font face="Tahoma"><font size="4">Race Rules</font><br/><br/><b>1. Time and Place</b><br/></font>September 23, 2007 Dishui Lake, New City of Lingang, SH <br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>2. Hosting</b><br/></font>Shanghai Triathlon Club<br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>3. Attendee eligibility</b><br/></font>Any triathlon association、Triathlon club or Amateurs<br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>4. Race distance and age divisions<br/></strong><font face="Arial">1). Standard Distance Group.<br/>a) Race distance<br/>Total Run Bike Run<br/>57.5km 5km 42.5km 10km<br/>b) Group Divisions<br/>Men and women<br/>Age Divisions<br/>Men: 18~29、30~39、40~49、50~ years old and plus<br/>Women: Only one group.<br/>2). Happy Distance Group.<br/>a) Race distance<br/>Total Run Bike Run<br/>11.5km 1.5km 8.5km 1.5km<br/>b) Group Divisions<br/>Men: Only one group.<br/>Women: Only one group.<br/>All race participants must be over 18 and under 70 years of age.<br/>Note: Age divisions are based on athlete's age as of December 31, 2007</font></font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>5. Eligibility </b><br/></font>a) Only amateur athletes will be allowed to participate in the race this year<br/>b) All participants must have medical insurance<br/>c) If an athlete cannot attend the race because of an injury and would like to give up his or her place to another team member, the athlete must provide certification of injury from a hospital or doctor.<br/> Note: A professional athlete is anyone who is currently certified by the China Triathlon Sports Association as a professional athlete. <br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>6. Policy<br/></strong></font><font face="Arial">a) Rules<br/>Rules for this race will be adopted from the International Triathlon Union, Asian Triathlon Confederation and China Triathlon Sports Association.<br/>b) Equipment<br/> articipating athletes must bring their own bicycle, attire, helmet, and other equipment. All equipment must meet standards specified by the rules of this race.<br/>Athletes in any age division are permitted to use mountain bicycles or tri bikes. Bicycles must be examined by the race committee and must meet race safety rules.<br/>c) Race closing time<br/>Total race time is 4 hrs<br/>(No sub segments close door limited)</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>7. Technical officer (Judge)</b><br/></font>To be selected by hosting organization.<br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>8. Awards<br/></strong></font><font face="Arial">1). Standard Distance Group Awards.<br/>a) Overall Awards: Men /Women 1st 2nd & 3rd place, <br/>(They will not be among the age division awards name lists)<br/>b) Age Division Awards: Men /Women 1st 2nd 3rd 4th & 5th place<br/>2). Happy Distance Group Awards.<br/>Men/Women 1st 2nd 3rd 4th & 5th place<br/>3). Ironman Spirit Prize<br/>Award to the Standard Distance Group athlete who showed Iron Man Spirit.<br/>4). Ironman Style Prize<br/>Award to the Standard Distance Group athlete who showed Iron Man Style.<br/>5) Others<br/>Generally, participating athletes will receive a shirt as a souvenir, and participating athletes who complete the race in the specified time will receive a “certificate of completion”.</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><strong>9. Application and registration<br/></strong><font face="Arial">a) Deadline for application<br/>Application form (by local postmark date) and application fee (by bank remittance date) must be received on or before September 14.<br/>Contact:PJP 13918121612; Bruce 13761333811 ; Ritchie 13472851764 ; Rice 13636630505; <br/>b) Application form<br/>Application form is available on the website </font><a href="http://www.ironmanchina.net/" target="_blank">www.ironmanchina.net</a><font face="Arial"> , and a copy of valid personal identification (ID or passport) is required.<br/>c) How to apply<br/>Email:</font><a href="mailto:webmaster@ironmanchina.net">webmaster@ironmanchina.net</a></font><font face="Arial"> (Preferred) <br/>FAX: 021-50804000-06413 <br/>Mailing address: No. 18, ZhangJiang Road, PuDong New Area, Shanghai 201203;Ma Yanchun (马燕春)<br/>d) Application fee<br/>i). Standard Distance Group<br/>(China Mainland) Standard Distance Group Athlete Entry Fee 50RMB;<br/>(Outbound, including Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan)Standard Distance Group Athlete Entry Fee 80RMB;<br/>ii). Happy Distance Group<br/>(No National/Area Category) Uniform Entry Fee: 30RMB <br/> lease remit to the following bank account before deadline:6222 0210 0100 0482247<br/>Note: Food, lodge, and transportation fees are not included. September 16 is the deadline to withdraw from the race and reclaim application fee. Application fee does not apply to team leader, coach, and officer. <br/>e) Registration<br/>Time and place<br/>Time:09/22 8:30 ~ 19:30 <br/>(Please notify in advance if you plan to come to the race site by yourself)<br/> lace:SMIC Gym center, at the intersection of Guanglan Road and Qingtong Road, Shanghai Pudong New Area.(Near the intersection of Longdong Road and Guanglan Road)<br/>Note: Please bring following documents for registration<br/>Original of valid personal identification or passport.<br/>Original and copy of physical examination (valid within one year)<br/> articipating athlete's physical examination must pass standards set for this race. Committee reserves the right to keep copy of the document.<br/>On the day of race, all athletes must sign an eligibility for participation and a waiver of responsibility. (Must be singed by participating athlete in person)</font><br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>10. Food, lodge, and transportation</b><br/></font>a) If needed please inform the committee in advance for discounts of food and lodge service.<br/>b) On the day of race, from 6:30~7:30am, committee will arrange reception station at Longyang Road subway station(龙阳路地铁站), please inform committee before September 9 the number of participating athletes and bicycles that reception station can provide suitable service(need pay some transportation fees accordingly).<br/>Contact:Charles 13818525601 <br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>11. Others</b><br/></font>a) Race related information not covered in this brochure and subsequent announcement will be published in website <a href="http://www.ironmnchina.net/" target="_blank"><font face="Tahoma" color="#2f5fa1">www.ironmnchina.net</font></a> for your reference.<br/>b) Shanghai Triathlon Club reserves all rights on the explanation of this brochure.<br/><font face="Tahoma"><b>12. Notes</b><br/></font>The following individuals are not fit for this race<br/>a) Individuals who have not been training regularly will not be allowed to participate.<br/>b) Individuals with chest pains during exercise or who have a serious coronary heart condition.<br/>c) Individuals recently diagnosed with heart disease.<br/>d) Individuals with all other types of heart disease.<br/>e) Individuals with high blood pressure and other heart-related diseases .<br/>f ) Individuals with an irregular pulse.<br/>g) Individuals with diabetes.<br/>h) Individuals who are overweight.<br/>i ) Individuals who are overage or have other age-related health problems.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-1 10:31:28编辑过] |