本帖最后由 鱼妖 于 2011-12-6 09:44 编辑
Running Injuries: When to See a Doctor
By Christine Luff, About.com Guide September 12, 2011
I've been guilty of "assuming the worst" when I have a running-related injury. I feel some pain in my shin and think, "Oh, no -- a stress fracture!" Thankfully, I'm usually just overreacting and the injury disappears on its own or with some self-treatment. But how do you know when your running injury warrants attention from a medical professional?
Most running injuries respond well to R.I.C.E treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and take about two weeks to heal. It's time to visit a sports medicine professional if your pain lasts longer than that, or if you have any of the following symptoms:
pain radiating to another area of the body
severe pain in a joint or bone
injury is very painful to the touch
significant swelling at the injured area
difficulty moving the injured part
numbness, tingling or weakness at the injury site
------Christine Luff,About.com
------yeeyann Reprint
受伤处出现麻痹、刺痛或虚弱的症状; |