Why do you run, when did you start?
I began running on an everyday basis after I became a writer. As being a writer requires sitting at a desk for hours a day, without getting some exercise you'd quickly get out of shape and gain weight, I figured. That was 22 years ago. I also took it as a chance to quit smoking. You see, I became rapidly healthier since the time I became a writer. You may call it rather a rare case. But because of that, I weigh now just as much as I weighed back then.
Before I became a writer, I was running a jazz bar in the center of Tokyo, which means that I worked in filthy air all the time late into the night. I was very excited when I started making a living out of my writing, and I decided, "I will live in nothing but an absolutely healthy way." Getting up at 5 a.m. every morning, doing some work first, then going off running. It was very refreshing for me.
I have always liked running, so it wasn't particularly difficult to make it a habit. All you need is a pair of running shoes and you can do it anywhere. It does not require anybody to do it with, and so I found the sport perfectly fits me as a person who tends to be independent and individualistic.
在成为作家之前,我在东京市中心经营一家爵士酒吧。那项工作意味着,我通常在乌烟瘴气的环境里工作到很晚。当我可以通过写作来维持生活的时候,我是相当兴奋的,于是我当即决定,“我要坚决过一种健康的生活。” 早上5点起床,天天如此,先处理一些工作的事情,然后就去跑步。这样常常使我精神振奋。
to be continued |