本帖最后由 百能 于 2016-4-30 16:33 编辑
「Vibram ® 香港100」是一項極考驗耐力的野外長跑賽事。比賽起點為西貢半島北潭涌,沿途經過多個風景區,包括杳無人煙、水清沙幼的海灘、古木樹林、自然遠足徑、水塘和陡險山徑等。整個賽道以麥理浩徑為主線,並特意加插若干風景優美的分岔路線,參賽者在競賽之餘,如畫風光盡收眼簾之下。終段從香港之巔的大帽山沿路而下,整段路程累積登高路程超過4,500米, 參加者必須於32小時內完成。「香港100」集耐力挑戰與風景觀賞於一身,必將為參賽者帶來難忘經歷,熱愛野外賽的人仕萬勿錯過,請即報名為自己留下精采回憶!
Course markings 賽道記號 The course will be marked with directional arrows, crosses and reflective flagging tapes. At junctions there will be an arrow indicating the direction of the route as well as confirmation flagging tape along the correct route. There will also be a cross on the tracks that you should not take. You should not need to navigate your way along the course with a map and compass.